Friday, December 10, 2010


Hello Liz!!!
I'm not able to go school because I'm sick but thanks for teaching us I'll see u next quarter

Friday, December 3, 2010

Restaurant experience

My restaurant life started five years ago when I just arrived in this country, I was looking for a job and I had my cousin working in the restaurant industry and my cousin said "Kelvin you should work in the restaurant industry you will like it " I was wondering why he said that, and yes I started to work in restaurant industry but didn't like when I started and I asked him why he said  I"ll like it and he said "you will like it when you are able to communicate in the same language with the girls" and that is true now  I love my job.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving weekend

Well first of all I had a great moment with my parents on Thanksgiving day we enjoyed it, my mom cooked a huge turkey and my sisters were helping her and also she cooked a chicken because my brother and I we do not like turkey at all. After we ate we went to the street to see the little kids how they were playing on the snow I think they were having fun because they sat on a sled then they went down the hill screeming and laughing and down the hill their parents were waiting for them. Also I saw many car accidents in my neighborhood because of the ice on the streets. It was not that bad but I do not undersdtand why people drive their cars even if  they don't know how to drive on the snow...fortunately I did not hit any cars.
I did not get anything on black friday because I was working all day long, a least I made good money!,

Friday, November 19, 2010

Cover letter

My dream job: To work at Google company as a Web Designer.

To Whom it May Concern.

I am the right candidate to fill in this position. I have been working for many years in this industry and I have the experience necessary to be part of your company I can make my own projects and also I have knowledge of computer network technology, which can help to keep your computers in good conditions. Moreover I am bilingual and can work with and assist both English and Spanish speakers.
I am very friendly, I like to share ideas with the my coworkers and my manager. Also I am a hard worker, I love to hear feedback because that is how can I learn to improve.
I received a few awards in my previous job including the best employee of the year.
I have a lot of fun at my work place, I will feel comfortable be part of your company, I would love to hear from you so we can discuss this further.

Kelvin Gutama              

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


If I win a lottery ticket, I won't have to work.
If the weather gets better, I'll be more happy.
I'll buy a new car, if i get a good deal.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Guns should be illegal

Having a gun doesn't make you feel safe because if you do not know how to use it you can hurt your self, everyone thinks  if they have a gun with them they are very safe but they never think when they are using it they can lose the  control and the gun can goes againts them, other big thing is if we have kids in the house and the kids can reach it they can be in hurt, the childrens do not know how to use it or some times they can get confuse with a real gun or toy gun.
We could avoit a lot of crime and stop the violence in our towns or in our community with out guns, I could be walking safetly on the streets because I know no one can shoot me, the civilian people can not be allow to caring guns, but nowdays there are to many gangs every where that is the only reason why I do not feel free walking on diferents places.
In this part it was just the physical hurts now we can go by how is going to hurts in the psychology part to the families, how sad they going to be when they hear the member of their family got kill by a gun they will be so mad and angry and they will try to find who killed him, I know his family is going to remember him for forever. 

(I hope  you get my main idea)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I am from Ecuador, I have been living in Seattle for five years,  am 26 years old, I work at Bj's Restaurant as a server, I         love doing my job because I enjoy talking and meeting new people, if you need some help do not be afraid to ask I would love to     help you.                                                        
The school is going to help me to go through my goals, after past esl classes I want to get a transfer to the college.             
Also guys I love to dance salsa i'm taking salsa lesson.