Monday, November 29, 2010

Thanksgiving weekend

Well first of all I had a great moment with my parents on Thanksgiving day we enjoyed it, my mom cooked a huge turkey and my sisters were helping her and also she cooked a chicken because my brother and I we do not like turkey at all. After we ate we went to the street to see the little kids how they were playing on the snow I think they were having fun because they sat on a sled then they went down the hill screeming and laughing and down the hill their parents were waiting for them. Also I saw many car accidents in my neighborhood because of the ice on the streets. It was not that bad but I do not undersdtand why people drive their cars even if  they don't know how to drive on the snow...fortunately I did not hit any cars.
I did not get anything on black friday because I was working all day long, a least I made good money!,

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